My Airline Flight -if you have flown a lot or only a few times, you probably have questions about your airline flight. Wait no longer! This website answers those common questions and provides the air traveler general information about their airline flights and air travel tips.
These explanations are written in common-sense terms and are general in nature. Each aircraft type, airline, and pilot can have their own specific operating characteristics and procedures. This is not a course in aerodynamics, weather, engines or other technical subjects.
My Airline Flight organizes topics/questions into seven phases of a typical flight. The phases are placed where you might first encounter it or where it is most prevalent during your flight. However, some of these topics/questions can be appropriate in other phases of the flight as well.
There are many variables and situations that are encountered during your airline travels. Understanding the complexities involved in a flight will make your travel a little more enjoyable when encountering unforeseen problems.
Captain's Corner is a section that is more of an opinion, or editorial on certain selected topics that are a little more subjective then others.
Keep visiting us for we will be constantly adding new information all the time! Cool Stuff has links and other information that is fun to view! If you have any comments, suggestions, and questions please Contact Us.
Latest update: 1/26/2016
One common question people ask, is given the choice, what side of the aircraft we should be on when arriving or departing an airport. In our Destinations section, we've added a paragraph that gives those recommendations. Please remember though, it is almost impossible to predict which runway your flight will be arriving or departing on, so we try to give the most common runway that will be used. For example, the San Diego airport almost always uses runway 27 and hardly ever runway 9 (in all the years I have gone in there, I have only used runway 9 one time, and that was for departure!).
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